Spirit Paintings

What Are Spirit Paintings?

The Idea : How it came about

A couple of years ago I began painting again. 

It was a spontaneous idea provided to me after I went to my visit my favorite New Age shop in Fremantle, Perth, Western Australia. My friend who worked in the shop just suggested that I try painting as it was something I did during my Undergraduate days. 

That's practically how it began. 
I painted mainly commission which generated pretty good money yet... It didn't feel right. 
Sure I did paint things I did like, but it took a bit of practice as I hadn't painted in quite a long time. 

As an Example... Here are a few commission I had to under take : 

Yeah they were alright but they soon got rather boring or very tedious to do, especially the football team ones. The ones from Space weren't as bad since it was a sweet request from a dear niece who loved Science and Astronomy which was also something I enjoyed at her age. 

Moving on ... I then concentrated on the Fantasy genre or even Fan Art though I did them from time to time doing them as gifts to friends and family during their birthdays. 
There were times I did a bit of Musical Abstract where you listen to a particular song over and over to absorb the essence of it and then paint it out.

I began with little canvas paintings. Some were in canvas panels while others already had frames. 

For the "Fantasy Paintings" which was how I called them I focused mainly on Mythical Creatures and such. 

Here are a few samples of my older works:

These weren't really big but it's what I enjoyed painting. 
What I realized over time was how much detail I put in, especially in the hair, fur, eyes and scales.
These became more and more apparent over time. 

Even more so after a relative commissioned my first large piece.

To cut a long story short, I started doing more.

It wasn't until recently my dear friend commented and called the "Spirit Paintings" that it clicked on how 'live'-like they looked. 

I won't deny that my paintings are very dear to me, as I do feel as if they are a slight extension of me. 
Hence why I will now refer to them as Spirit Paintings. 

They are unique in their own way and I hope that the ones who eventually will bring them home would benefit from their aura and vibes. 

Painting as a Recreational Hobby 

Painting in general is quite a relaxing, therapeutic and creative hobby to have. 

When in the mood one could really go on and on for hours till the adrenaline runs out. 
Writing tends to do the same thing but I will save that for another section or blog. 

It practically developed from my love of sketching and drawing fan art, especially when my art teacher in boarding school first introduced the idea of painting my drawings. 

Everything just escalated from there. 
Some start as early as 4 or 5, maybe even younger, while others even later. 

Though I think that it's never too late to take up any hobby, especially if it brings you joy. 

The Benefits of Painting

Here's just my 2 cents of what I think the benefits of painting are based on my own experiences.
Best not take my opinions too seriously though as everyone's experiences are different.
I'm just sharing what I know.

  • Self-Expression
  • Unleashing or Developing your own Creativity
  • Therapy and Relaxation
  • A deeper form of Communication
  • Creating a connection between your creation, yourself and the viewer
  • Stress relief
  • Confidence building 
  • Self-Discovery
 That's all I could come up with at the moment though I did put in most of the key points. 

Some may and some won't agree but that's fine with me. 

As a conclusion, I welcome everyone who visits and those would like to embark on this journey with me. 

If you wish to view more or other paintings, you're welcome to visit my other blog where I display my artworks :

Sea Enigma's Fan Stuff Realm  or Sea-enigmadare Deviantart

With that, thank you all for your visit and I wish you all a wonderful day. 

Kind Regards, 

Luna Mairin



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